Designing Object-Oriented Programs
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Animal classes
Let’s (pretend to) use Python to model some ecological ideas. Consider four concepts that we will model using classes:
- Animal
- Tiger
- Moose
- Habitat
Types of objects can stand in different kinds of relations to each other. One kind is an “is-a” relationship: a tiger is an animal, and a moose is an animal. In Python we typically represent this relationship using subclasses: we would define a superclass Animal
that is extended by the Tiger
and Moose
class Animal:
class Tiger(Animal):
class Moose(Animal):
Where does a habitat fit into this picture? An animal isn’t a habitat, and a habitat isn’t an animal. There’s functionality that a habitat has that an animal doesn’t, and vice versa.
But there’s still a connection: habitats “contain” animals. We can call this a “has-a” relationship. These tend to be represented by data fields in an object.
class Habitat:
def __init__(self):
self.animals = []
Car classes
We can play the same game with another list of concepts:
- Car
- Engine
- Convertible
Every convertible is a car, so this is an is-a relationship. And every car has an engine. (Transitively, every convertible has an engine.)
class Engine:
class Car:
def __init__(self):
self.engine = Engine()
class Convertible(Car):
def __init__(self):
miata = Convertible()
Library classes
For yet another example, consider the Library
code we’ve been writing. Book
s and TVSeries
are “library items”, so they are subclasses of LibraryItem
. But if we define a Library
class that contains a list of library items, the picture gets more complicated. What is the has-a relationship? A Library
has library items, but each library item is also associated with some library, so the arrow could go the other direction. How do we represent this in our code? It depends what we want to model! Depending on how our code will be applied, we may want a library to track its items, a library item to track its library, or perhaps both.
Tracking a bi-directional “has-a” relationship can be a bit tricky. Consider this code:
class Library:
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
def add(self, item):
def search(self, query: str) -> list:
return [item for item in self.items if item.matches(query)]
class LibraryItem:
def __init__(self, library: Library):
self.checked_out = False
self.library = library
def checkout(self):
self.checked_out = True
class Book(LibraryItem):
def __init__(self, title: str, author: str, library: Library):
self.title = title = author
def matches(self, query: str) -> bool:
return (not self.checked_out) and (query in self.title or query in
class Movie(LibraryItem):
def __init__(self, title: str, director: str, actors: list, library: Library):
self.title = title
self.director = director
self.actors = actors
def matches(self, query: str) -> bool:
return (not self.checked_out) and \
query in self.title or query in self.director or \
any([query in actor for actor in self.actors])
prov_pub = Library()
cc = Book("Cat's Cradle", "Kurt Vonnegut", prov_pub)
We’ve created a book that belongs to the Providence Public Library, but the library doesn’t know about it yet! This isn’t exactly broken code, but it could get very confusing. It’s a reasonable assumption for us to make as developers that:
A book belongs to a library if and only if that book is in that library’s list of items.
But this assumption isn’t right, given how we’ve written the classes above. We might write code that assumes this and will break when it comes across this orphaned copy of Cat’s Cradle. So we need to be careful, either not to break this symmetry, or not to assume that this symmetry holds.
More generally we call properties that we want to assume always hold, and may rely on that in our programming, invariants.
How could we fix this problem in the above code?
Think, then click!
We could add the book to the library in the book’s __init__
method. We’d have to be careful, though: equality is important here. For example, do we like the idea of the library being able to have multiple copies of the same book? Then using a list
rather than a set
to store the library’s contents is a good idea. But then what should we do if someone manually adds the same book object later—do we want to allow duplicates of the same physical book?
Even more, we should avoid directly setting or modifying fields of another class; ideally the class would provide a method to make that change instead. Why is this important? Suppose that a library needed to keep its catalog sorted. A book or movie etc. wouldn’t necessarily know that, and indeed shouldn’t have to!. Making the addition via a method allows the library to perform any post-processing, repair, access control, etc. it might need to.