Linked Lists

These notes are in draft form, and are released for those who want to skim them in advance. Tim is likely to make changes before and after class.

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Another Use for Objects

So far, we’ve mostly used objects to represent real-world entities (animals etc.). We can also use objects to implement data structures.

Let’s say we want a data structure that has the following operations:

These operations should sound familiar: they are the core operations on Python’s lists. We saw a similar type in Pyret, too! Pyret’s lists are defined as:

data List:
  | empty
  | link(fst, rst :: List)

Python’s lists are implemented using contiguous chunks of memory. Pyret’s lists are different: they are constructed as a linked structure. Here’s two pictures illustrating the difference.

A Python List

A Python List

A Pyret List

A Pyret List

Notice that the Pyret list is a bit more complicated. It’s constructed from links that might be scattered around in memory, and those links are connected via references to each link’s successor (or empty, which means the list has ended).

I’ve used two colors to help contrast two different ways you’ll see these lists drawn. In reality, the arrows from link to link (shown in the black-colored list) are references to memory addresses (made explicit in the orange-colored list).

This style of list is called a Linked List (because of how it’s structured like links in a chain).

So what’s the difference?

Both of these low-level data structures can provide all the features of a “list”: adding, removing, accessing the $n^{th}$ element, and so on. But how long does each operation take? E.g.,

What are Pyret-style lists good for, then? Well… think about what happens if Python needs to insert a new element into the middle of a list. If the program is already “in the neighborhood” (that is, it knows the address of the element it will need to modify to add the new one) it doesn’t need to follow the chain of links. In this situation, a Pyret-style list can insert a new element in constant time.

Building Linked Lists in Python

Could we build something similar to Pyret’s lists in Python? Yes! Let’s write down some examples first. In Pyret we might write:

link(1, empty)
link(1, link(2, empty))

Let’s make some classes that let us turn this into something we can write in Python. The picture above is a hint: we should probably have a kind of object to represent those links.

class ListNode:
    def __init__(self, data): = data = None

Now we can write ListNode(1) to represent the list storing the value 1. But that’s not yet enough: we need to handle the first and third examples (the empty list, and a list with multiple elements).

We’ll do this by adding another class, one that represents an entire list in itself. We’ll give it one field, first, to represent the first ListNode it contains. When we first make a LinkedList, it will be empty (represented by None in the first field).

class LinkedList:
    def __init__(self):
        self.first = None

I wonder…

How would the picture of the Pyret list above change to account for this new LinkedList class? It’s not quite the same shape, and we’ll notice reasons why as we keep going.

What if…

Could we model linked lists more similarly to Pyret, with a ListNode object that takes both the value and the next node? Yes! We’d write something like:

class ListNode:
    def __init__(self, data, next): = data = next

We’re doing it a bit differently here, because it will be useful.

Updating our examples

Let’s translate those rough Pyret examples into Python code that creates them.

Bother. We aren’t done; we need some way of appending new values to an existing list.

Implementing append

(All code in this section is in methods inside the LinkedList class; I’ve just left that out for readability.)

Let’s start with an empty method:

    def append(self, data):

We’ll proceed, as we have before, by making a skeleton of the method and adding details as we go. When append is called with a new piece of data to add, what do we have to work with? Just:

Probably we’ll need to make a new ListNode object to hold the new data value, so let’s do that now:

new_node = ListNode(data)

Now we need to add it into the list’s chain of nodes. The list gives us one field, self.first, which points to the first node in the list. We could certainly change it:

self.first = new_node

Is that the right thing to do?

The Empty-List Case

Well, sometimes it is. If the list is empty, there is no first node yet, so we’re free to just make the new node the first node in the list. But if the list already contains nodes, we need to traverse the list until we find the end, and then add the new node there. So we’ll split the function, leaving the second case unfinished for now:

    def append(self, data):        
        if not self.first:
            self.first = ListNode(data)
            pass # ??? need to update LATER in the list

The Non-Empty List Case

Now we need to do 2 things:

Let’s solve these problems backwards. If we find the last node, making the new node its successor is straightforward: = ListNode(data)

(Remember that the new node will have None in its next field.)

How can we get to the end of the list? We could use a loop, but this is also a great place for recursion, just like it was in Pyret. We can write a function that passes the obligation to add a new value down the list, until (eventually) that obligation can be met:

    # internal helper method, not called from outside the class
    # we'll use the double-underscore convention to label this as "private"
    def __append_to(self, node: ListNode, data):
        if not
   = ListNode(data)
            self.__append_to(, data)

    # this is the method that a caller would invoke
    def append(self, data):
        if not self.first:
            self.fst = ListNode(data)
            self.__append_to(self.first, data)

And now we’ve written append.

Or have we? We couldn’t write tests easily before, but now we can. And next time we’ll have other methods that we can use to make our tests even better.

(I suggest looking at how the append method works in the VSCode debugger; it will help you see the sequence of steps that Python is taking to add elements to a progressively longer list.)