Binary Search Trees (Parts 2 and 3)

These notes cover implementing and traversing binary search trees. While we won’t implement every possible operation, this should give you a good starting point.


Implementing BSTs

Our implementation will have a recursive structure quite similar to ListNode from when we built linked lists.

A starting point

Let’s just start with the same structure we had before, renamed.

class BSTNode:
    def __init__(self, data): = data = None

But what’s next? Is there only one? No! We need two “next”s: the left and right children:

class BSTNode:
    def __init__(self, data): = data
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

Providing the right interface

Like with linked lists, we’ll create an outer wrapper class to interface with the user or programmer who wants to use our data structure. We’ll make a skeletal add method, and split it across 2 cases, again like we did for linked lists:

# User-facing class (well, programmer-facing :-))         
class BST:
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = None
    def add(self, data):
        if not self.root:
            pass # ???
            pass # ???

Case 1: there’s nothing in the tree yet

Recall how we handled the same idea in linked lists. What can we do if there’s no root (i.e., the tree is empty?) We can create a new node, and make it the root:

    def add(self, data):
        if not self.root:
            self.root = BSTNode(data, None, None)
            pass # ???

Case 2: the tree isn’t empty

If there’s already a root, we’ll need to do a descent through the tree. Like in linked lists, we’ll split this out into a recursive function, add_to:

    def add(self, data):
        if not self.root:
            self.root = BSTNode(data, None, None)
            self.add_to(self.root, data)
    def add_to(self, node: BSTNode, data):
        pass # ???

Descending through the tree: more reasoning by cases

Now it’s tricky; we don’t want to explore both the left and right children. Let’s reason by cases:

    def add(self, data):
        if not self.root:
            self.root = BSTNode(data, None, None)
            self.add_to(self.root, data)
    def add_to(self, node: BSTNode, data):
        if == data:
            # ???
        if data <
            # ???
        if data >
            # ???   

What if the values are equal?

If the values are equal, the tree already contains data. Since we aren’t thinking about duplicates right now, we’ll just stop here.

        if == data:
            return # disallow duplicates FOR NOW

What if the values are different?

We have reason to suspect that the < and > cases will look quite similar, so let’s just tackle one in isolation. What do we do if data is less than

We should be guided by what it means to be a BST. Would we ever want to place data to the right of the current node? No! If we did that, we’d produce a tree that wasn’t a BST anymore.

So we’ll move left. If there’s no left child, this is the place to add our new node. If there is a left child, we’ve got to recur:

        if data <
            if node.left == None:
                node.left = BSTNode(data, None, None)
                self.add_to(data, node.left)

The > case is symmetric:

    def add(self, data):
        if not self.root:
            self.root = BSTNode(data, None, None)
            self.add_to(self.root, data)
    def add_to(self, node: BSTNode, data):
        if == data:
            return # disallow duplicates FOR NOW
        if data <
            if node.left == None:
                node.left = BSTNode(data, None, None)
                self.add_to(data, node.left)
        if data >
            if node.right == None:
                node.right = BSTNode(data, None, None)
                self.add_to(data, node.right)                    


As usual, we proceeded top-down, filling in more detail as we went. For BSTs, we needed to break down sub-problems by cases more than we did for linked lists. That may be unsurprising, since BSTs themselves branch.

Observe that this process of building a program step by step is itself tree-like. We figure out:

This means that, when we’re dealing with a data-structure, the definition of the data itself strongly hints at how the code should look.

Suppose we were going to write __repr__ for our class. What structure would survive from add, and what would need to change?

Writing some tests

t = BST()

I wonder…

What do we get out of these tests, given that we can’t actually find anything in the tree yet?

More Methods!


What should this even mean? “Length” is a strange term to apply to a tree, but here it’s a bit of a standard Python thing. We can ask what the “length” of a set is: len({1,2,3}) or the “length” of a dictionary: len({1:1,2:2,3:3}). So really, it means “size of”.

Because of this, implementing __len__ means that someone can use our data structure, and have a standard means of discovering how many elements it is storing, without knowing what kind of data structure it is. Polymorphism!

There are two ways to attack this problem:

The first approach will always take linear time: we have to visit every node in the tree to count it. But the second approach will take constant time: we just return the counter! There’s a cost to increment the counter every time a node gets added, but it’s a constant cost.

We’ll implement the second approach. But it’s not as straightforward as you might think. Sure, __len__ is easy to write:

    # How many elements are there stored in this tree right now?
    def __len__(self):
        return self.count

but where do we add the code to increment the counter? Let’s try adding it right at the top of the add method:

def add(self, data):        
    self.count = self.count + 1
    if not self.root:

But this isn’t safe. First, the code might produce an error. If there’s an exception, and no node gets added, the caller might catch the exception and continue running. In that case, self.count would be off the true count: one higher, to be exact. Moreover, since our tree isn’t supporting duplicate elements, we might successfully finish running add but still not have added a new element.

We’ll have to position that line carefully. We’ll increment the counter whenever add returns a False.

    def add(self, data):        
        if not self.root:
            self.root = BSTNode(data)
            self.count = self.count + 1
            return False
            result = self.add_to(self.root, data)      
            if result == False:
                self.count = self.count + 1
            return result


Implementing __contains__ will let programmers use the in syntax on our data structure. Again, this is polymorphism in action: a programmer can write code that works for both our BSTs and Python sets, lists, or dictionaries without modification.

To build this, we need to implement the recursive descent that searches the tree. This seems like a lot of work, except we’ve done nearly everything already in add.

Why do I say that? Because we wrote add to mimic the search process we had worked out on the board. The structure will be almost exactly the same. In fact, we’ll pretty much just be removing extra stuff from add to get find:

    def find(self, data):
        if not self.root:            
            return False
            return self.find_in(self.root, data)   

    def find_in(self, node, data):
        if == data:
            return True 
        if data <
            if node.left != None:
                return self.find_in(node.left, data)
                return False
        if data >
            if node.right != None:
                return self.find_in(node.right, data)
                return False 
      def __contains__(self, data):
        return self.find(data)                      

And once we’ve got find, __contains__ is just a wrapper for it.

Why implement __len__ and __contains__ at all? Couldn’t someone just call find and read count?

There are two reasons.

First, __len__ and __contains__ are standard polymorphic methods, meaning that Python programmers can just use len and in to test for size and membership respectively. They don’t need to know what we named our search method or our counter field.

Second, having these be special methods makes it easy if we want to go in later and add new functionality. Maybe we want to record the membership queries people ask! If we already have a __contains__ method that everyone is already using, it’s very easy to add the new functionality.

Relatedly, if our class had a field that was itself an object, like a list or a set, we might want to defensively copy that object and return the copy, not the original. Remember that if we send back a reference to the original, the caller can change its contents! But if we copy the data into a new container, our internal field is somewhat better protected.

Tree Traversal

So far we’ve mostly focused on functions that do a single descent through the tree (find and add). But there are definitely times when that won’t suffice and we need to traverse the entire BST.

Let’s implement __repr__

Building __repr__ means producing a string that encodes the full contents of a BST. Since we probably want to actually display the elements in the tree, we can’t get away with following only a single path, like we could for find and add.

But now things get a little bit more complicated. There are multiple strategies for exploring the tree. First, let’s set up some common infrastructure. We can, again, re-use much of what’s already written in find. This time, we don’t want to only visit the left or right subtrees, but both.

Why don’t we avoid the whole producing a “string” issue here and just collect a list of data in the tree. Then we can print out the tree as if it were a list, with a BST tag to go with it.

    def __repr__(self):
        if not self.root:            
            return 'BST([])'
            return 'BST('+self.collect()+')'

    def collect(self, node):
        partial_result = []
        partial_result.append( # record this node            
        if node.left != None: # if left exists, visit it
            partial_result += self.collect(node.left)   
        if node.right != None: # if right exists, visit it
            partial_result += self.collect(node.right)
        return partial_result

Here’s a picture of the balanced BST we saw on Monday. I’ve labeled the path the collect function takes after it’s first called on the tree’s root.

Notice that I really do mean “path”: there’s a pattern here that you can see if you follow the path through the tree. The pattern is called depth-first search, because it gets to a leaf as soon as possible (“depth first”) but doesn’t prioritize exploring nodes near the starting point. It just zig-zags up and down the tree.

Notice also that my labels correspond concretely to calls and returns in the program’s execution, and not on nodes. That’s because while (in this program, anyway!) there is only ever one recursive call of collect for any given node, that node comes into focus at multiple points:

We can see this in the debugger, and even if I don’t do so in lecture, it’s quite informative to “step into” all the calls on this tree.

Pre-order traversal

If I print this tree, I’ll get the following string:

BST([7, 5, 3, 6, 12, 10, 17])

What do you notice about the pattern of numbers? Every node is added to the list as soon as it is visited. We call this a pre-order traversal of the tree: a depth-first exploration where each node’s data is collected before any of its childrens’ data is.

(The opposite of this approach, when the current node is collected after all its children are, is called post-order traversal.)

Pre-order and post-order traversals can sometimes be useful. No child will appear before its parent in the enumeration. This makes pre-order traversals useful if you’re trying to plan tasks with dependencies. Think: A Day in the Life by the Beatles! We’d sure like to put on our coat before we catch the bus (whether or not it’s in seconds flat).

The pre-order traversal also lets us know something about the structure of the tree. It’s useful for debugging, as well as more advanced tree-representation techniques we don’t cover in 112.

In-order traversal

There’s another option though. When we first started exploring BSTs, you noticed that if you read them from left to right, the numbers were in order. A traversal echoing that intuition is called an in-order traversal. Here, we’d want to get:

BST([3, 5, 7, 6, 10, 12, 17])

How would we get this ordering? With only one small change to the above code: instead of adding the current node’s data field to the list right away, we wait until the left child has been fully traversed. That way, we’re guaranteed to get all the values, well, in order!

Spoiler for next week: we’re shortly going to be learning various algorithms for sorting data. It turns out that one such algorithm, called “tree sort”, just puts all the values into a BST and then performs an in-order traversal. It’s not much of an algorithm, but it demonstrates that a well-designed data structure will sometimes give you new operations for free.

What’s the downside? Well, sadly, we’ve given up on the Day-in-the-Life property that pre-order gave us: (left) children are processed before their parents.

Which should you use? That depends on what you want!

Breadth-first traversal

Another kind of traversal is one that visits nodes in order according to how far they are from the root. So we might then visit 7 first, then 5 and 12, followed by 3, 6, 10, and 17.

This sort of traversal is good for finding shortest paths, and is the basis of a famous algorithm you’ll learn about if you take 0200. I’ll pass over it here, though, for now: its most appealing applications are still ahead.